Day in the Life (Coming Soon)
Check out our DITL content to get a glimpse into the lives of student-athletes at various colleges.
Day in the Life
Coming Soon: This page will feature videos, interviews, and articles showing the experiences of student athletes across different universities and sports. This section aims to be a resource for students to get a glimpse of what life as an athlete at various colleges would look like.
What Is a Resume and Why You Need One!
If you have never created a resume or don’t know what one is, you are in the right place! A resume is a short document
How to Email a Coach
Contacting a coach can seem like a daunting task. Figuring out what to say and how to say it can take time- something that student-athletes
5 Skills You Need to Transition to College Athletics
The transition from high school sports teams to college level athletics is challenging. From tackling the academic rigors of university to getting adjusted to a
3 Time Management Tips That Actually Work
It’s the week of your first competition; you feel stressed about performing well, you have a ten-page paper to write, and a chemistry exam in